Friday, August 01, 2008

What's in a name ?

Title Rationale

We do seem to hit it off splendidly. Me and this Shakespeare guy. How else do you explain his musings fitting the topics I'm penning so well ? Lest you fear this is going to be a harangue on linguistic exploration and etymology of words and phrases, let me reassure that I merely meant to throw some light on the mystery surrounding my blog's name.

I've been asked a few times now by people who can't decide if crossword is just a random word I picked up or does it stand for something more - like short for crossing of words, an alleged pun or a reference to the book store chain given I'm an avid reader. Its neither. I just named it after my favorite pastime - that of solving crosswords.

The title is probably cryptic - my preferred type of crossword. It thrills me that there is an air of unknown about my blog this explanation notwithstanding. But its good to discover there are additional connotations though I didn't think of them. May be one of these days I'll post a puzzle here for people to have a crack at.

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