Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cell trill

Mobile menace

It is so easy to be condescending towards others while we commit the same mistakes. Its a case of bylaws being applicable to other lesser mortals while we play Gods. I'm not being sarcastic, but saying this feeling chastened.

We all know how cells have permeated our collective lives. Like its poor relative the landline and TV, the cell has filtered down the luxury layer into being a necessity. But at what cost ... ?

We no longer care to talk to a person sitting next to us while we are busy texting or calling someone else on the phone. We don't think it is rude anymore to use the phone when in the company of others or in public places like restaurants, cinema halls. We feel it is OK to talk while driving. The list is endless.

My point is not as much about a 'holier than thou' stand as it is about flitting between the roles of the perpetrator and the victim. I for one have done all of the above things at one point or the other, with a strong possibility of being a repeat offender. I have also felt harassed when other people do these same things !

We are so attached to our gadgets that we find it impossible to live without them. A missing charger or a forgotten phone is enough to upset us.

I just can't figure out when and how did I trade my privacy for this constant tracking in the name of being reachable at all times. Like my friend Anu says, its akin to being tagged and tracked with an RFID.

One of these days I'll probably just throw my ... hold on, brb, my cell is ringing : )


demonMonk said...

hehehehe good one! :D

Unknown said...

You are only a slave if you don’t have a choice and I think that is where the question hinges. In fact we do have the choice to turn off and engage with immediate people, but many people fear that choice. They are afraid they might ‘miss something’ or ‘lose their edge’ and so they become tied to their electronic devices. They are almost permitting themselves to be slaves rather than finding themselves enslaved.

Rajasekhar Kandalam said...

Orei...durmarguda??? idhi edho nannu thittadaaniki raasinattu vundhi ra...